Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Personal opinion

Hi classmates! Today I will tell you about my personal opinions about different topics. 

What is my opinion about buying instead of adopting pets?
I totally don't agree with buy pets. There are many pets alone in the street dying of hungry. People buy pets because they believe that buying a pet will bring them q different social status. If we don't buy pets, this business will be over. Also the practices that accompany the purchase of pets will be end too. This practice for example is pet reproduction indiscriminately.

What is my opinion about having an exotic pet at home?
I don’t agree with people who have an exotic pet at home. They say that exotic pets are fine and they care of them. But they don’t think that they remove the animal from its natural environment. So generally exotic pets don't eat the same. People who have an exotic pet record videos and upload them to the internet. This might cause more people want to have an exotic pet.

What is my opinion about legalization of abortion in the 3 cases? 
I agree with abortion in 3 cases. It’s a big advance but should be the beginning. I think that we need free safe and legal abortion. I agree with abortion because I think women are owners of her body and we should to decide if we want to be mothers. Maternity must be a decision.

What is my opinion about immigration?
I think that move of place is a human right. With this phrase I says everything. If people want to go to other country, we don't should be difficult this. In Chile people are so racist. They don’t like people come of Haiti, Colombia, Peru etc. but if people come United States or Europe. They receive them kindly. There are many myths about immigration too.